Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are you a Missionary?

Last night in small group I asked the guys what their thoughts were concerning them going to the mission field. There were numerous thoughts shares; mostly positive.

I don't think that God has called all of our guys to "the field" as we normally think of it, but He has called us all, who are his followers, to be working the fields around us each day. I challenged the guys to think about ways they could interject the Gospel into their daily conversations at school, work or wherever they are. There we some good thoughts around that topic and encouragement that some of their siblings were doing a better job at this than they were. That is awesome.

We talked about why we don't always share and for the most part it is because we are fearful of what others may think or even say about us. They admonished one another with the truth that our lives are short and it doesn't matter what others are thinking or saying, we are called to share.

I was reading Romans 1 this morning where Paul is talking about his compulsion, joy or desire to preach the Gospel because this is the Good News that people need to hear. He says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, "The righteous shall live by faith."

It is exciting to live by faith, on unseen things, and to know that God takes our willing obedience, as we step out in faith to share the Gospel, and uses whatever words come out of our mouths to further His Kingdom. We don't have to be Bible scholars to share, we just have to share. Paul was excited to share because He had seen so many times the outworking of his sharing in the lives of others.

Maybe if there were more conversions because of our willingness to share, that would make us more excited to share. Maybe we should just share and let God take care of the increase. He is working in the lives of the students and that is awesome to see.

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