Monday, September 14, 2009


Ps. 121:3 He will not let your foot be moved;
he who keeps you will not slumber.
4 Behold, he who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

My friend Mo told me a few weeks ago that if she could be a superhero and could have one superpower if would be that she could go without sleep. Often I am accused of going without sleep, but trust me I sleep and I wish I could go with less. It seems like such a waste of time, but there are seasons for sleeping and seasons for being awake.

But this passage gives the encouragement that even though we have to sleep our "Keeper" never sleeps. While we are sleeping He is awake making sure that only what He ordains happens. Think about what would happen if He needed to sleep, even for just an hour each day.

In that hour literally all of Hell could break lose and its gates could actually prevail over Christ's Bride as He was asleep. But He doesn't sleep and so He keeps the prince of the power of this world back where He wants him to be.

We have a Savior that made the heavens and the earth but He still cares for every intimate detail of our lives. This is a greater to the lesser kind of a passage. If God can make all the heavens and the earth, can He not keep us from under going whatever it is that we are going through right now? If God can keep all of Israel, can He not keep one person?

This past week I got a subpoena from my former partner's uncle's attorney- are you with me so far. His uncle is trying to stop him from doing business, as he has been doing, and now he is including me in the lawsuit to see what he can dig up. Really his uncle is just a who doesn't love the Lord, and is trying to cause anyone grief he can. Unfortunately this requires that we represent ourselves with some legal counsel, which is expensive.

This is hard for me to understand and yet God knows how much it will cost and He is allowing this for whatever reason. I don't have to understand, because God knows exactly what is going on and He is allowing this to happen. I want to have a good attitude, because maybe this is the avenue that will get this man to understand that he needs God more than money.

Whatever the reason, please pray and keep praying that God would work mightily in the situation- He always provides a way of escape-and that I would have peace as I leave this in His hands. In this economic time it is difficult to see an expenditure that is unnecessary going out, but God is in control and from eternity past He knew this was coming right at this exact time. Pray for me and pray for this uncle. Pray that God would show Himself strong-as He is strong- and that He would be glorified in the situation. He can turn what appears to be something of no value into pure gold.

I really have no idea what He will do but please pray that His will would be done in my life as it is done in Heaven.

Thank you Lord that You do not need to sleep, that You are always watching and controlling everything that is happening. Thank You that You do not allow evil to always prevail and that You will make all things right in Your time. Please give me the faith to trust You every step of the way and to not waver. I have watched You turn things around in ways that are completely unexplainable, and I trust that You will continue Your faithfulness as You have carried it on through all generations. Work mightily as only You can and glorify Yourself as You deserve. May I be thankful and praise You when You have finished Your work in this situation.

The Psalms are full of verses where the wick are temporarily winning but often the writer is praying for God's strength to allow him to endure the wicked today for in just a little while the wicked will be no more. God will make all things right in His time and the wicked will receive what is coming to them.

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