Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Grandfather's List

What do I want my grand babies to learn from me?
Learn to love trials. With namesakes like Job, Luther, Ruth and Grace there are some things that are probably coming that I can only imagine right now. I hope that they live godly lives so that trials do come, because I know that his Heavenly Father is in control of all things both in degree and duration.

No cynicism. Living with people it is easy to become cynical. There is Gospel hope in all things and for all those who are still breathing, and we mustn't give up while the heart still beats. Focus on what God can do rather than what seems to be impossible from a human perspective.

Head and Heart. True discipleship includes both sides of this coin and to neglect one diminishes influence. Love the Word and live the Word. Know the Truth and know the people the Truth was written to change.

Honor your parents. In today's society this is an anomaly and is a testimony of Gods grace. Children that honor and love their parents say something loudly. Your parents aren't perfect but they are the ones God gave you to lead you in life and love of Him and His people.

Be a friend. A man that has friends must show himself friendly and friendship requires saying and doing hard things at times. Be a friend like few others. Cultivate great friendships by being willing to not only say and do hard things but by being willing to listen and accept the same.

Work the plan. There is a plan for your life from before the beginning of time, Eph. 2:10. Get into the plan, follow the Spirit's leading and adopt a world view that shows you believe and love what God can do.

Be sold out. The world has yet to see what God can do with a man that is completely sold out to Him. The world rarely sees a woman today that is fully understands that women can have a gigantic impact on the people around them by following what Scripture says a woman should do and be. Be those people. 

I love you Jobie and Ruthie, you make my heart full and am excited to see God work in your heart and life.

I certainly didn't get it all right when I was younger and I am still learning and growing and I want you to be able to start from a point farther up than I did. Follow your awesome parents and you will be well on the way.

1 comment:

kim said...

So glad they have such great shoulders to stand on. They love you so much! I hope all of those things are true for my kiddos!