Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hotel Lobby Visiting

As I sit here in the hotel lobby, so I won't wake up my room mate, I see people come in and out, all on their way to some important meeting or home from one. They are going on vacation to some place fun, or maybe going to visit their family in the hospital. Only God knows what they are all up to, but He does know.

I came here to read and maybe post a little, but for the first hour have been talking to one of the staff about true religion. He is a "christian" who believes in God and reads his Bible everyday, but that doesn't prevent him from taking the Lord's name in vain. His mama went the "chuch" 5 days a week and talked about the people who went to "chuch" with before she got out of the "doe". But now his "granma", she was the sweetest woman who would give you the shirt off her back.

Why is this 60ish year old man so cynical? It seems that it is hypocricy. He has seen much over his life and it doesn't seem that many are living it out. I chllenged him with the notion that it really doesn't matter what others are doing, or have done, with thier lives, but God wants to know what we are going to do with Him; will He makes a difference in our lives?

I have been trying to be available to talk to those who God brings across my path, and just let Him take it where He would like it to go and so far, it really doesn't seem to be that difficult to engage people and many are hurting enough that they will talk about God pretty easily. I don't look at myself as one who shares his faith enough or well, but maybe it's about just starting somewhere rather than trying to figure out where it will end up.

I am not sure what He will do with the weak words of faith I shared this morning, but He uses the weak and base things of the world. I am thankful for that. He puts us right where He wants us; hotel lobby, grocery store, gas station or doctors office, and we just need to be ready to tell others of His goodness and HE will take it the rest of the way. He is good.

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