Sunday, April 27, 2008

Long Distance Surprise

At church today there was a little surprise for me.

Sean was filling in for JZ in big church and he asked if there were any visitors who had never been to GBC before. I saw a guy sitting behind us raise his hand, but didn't think too much about it. After the service Mike McA. came up to introduce the new guy to me. I thought they were together. Wrong.

Quite some time ago I posted about a guy, named Tom, who's wife and my youngest sister Joy meet together in a home school moms setting. My sister lives on the East coast. Tom heard of our story from Joy and was really touched by the blog and so he wrote me a "paper letter". I don't get written letters very often, especially when I don't know the writer.

Tom told me how excited he was about Grant and that he was praying for Grant. He also asked if we would pray for his dad, who lives in our area, who is not a believer.
Well, the new visitor was Tom. His dad has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer and is in the hospital in Seattle. He is here to visit his dad and wanted to worship with other believers. What a treat to meet Tom, and please pray for his dad and that Tom would also rest in God's care.

There is a bond that ties believers together, across a continent, or even across the planet.

Thanks Tom for making the effort to come and visit.

Pray for Ryan and Jolie. Ryan's heart rate is still up and they have just given him some medication to reduce it. Pray that Jolie would rest in God's timing and care and that Ryan would rest in God's provision for the family.

God is Good.

Click here to read the next part, "ETPing"

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