Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You GO Girl, and do what God wants you to do!

I think the Bible is clear about the primary responsibility of both the man and the woman.
Men are to provide, by working outside the home, in most cases. They could work from home to provide, but this is not so that the wife is freed up to go and work outside the home. So, telecommuting would fall under this category. His primary role is to provide and protect.

The wife's primary role, as lined out in Titus 2 and Col. 3 is to be a worker at home. This means she is to be a helper to her husband in any way she can be. Whether it is doing things she is more skilled at then he is, encouraging him, respecting him, liking him, loving and training her children, and discipling other younger women. All of which John has covered in his last couple months sermons.

I am no expert on this subject, but the Bible gives us directives and models to see. If we completely ignore what God has given for us to model, then we are going to be in trouble. If we were still a "single income nation" I don't know that we would be in the mess we are in currently, in the entire world. We have changed the roles around, wanted more things and generally followed our own ambitions rather than following God's plan for us and now we are in a serious mess.

Proverbs 31 gives great insight into what a woman of godly character looks like. She works hard, is industrious, cares for her family, is hospitable, kind and caring, is good with her hands, thinks about things before she does and says them, knows a good deal when she sees it, speaks wisdom to those around her, is not as concerned with outward beauty as she is inward beauty- but I think a case can be made that this woman is outwardly beautiful as well, is not idle, and everyone who speaks of her knows she is an amazing woman.

OK, that's a lot to do/be. Every believing woman has the Holy Spirit to help her and transform her into this woman. This does not come over night and it doesn't come without much work and prayer on her part. BUT, God is faithful to complete the work that He has started in each one of us, and so we must all pray that He would give us the grace and faith to do, and be, what He has called us to.

I really don't want anyone to think that I think I have all this covered. God is faithful to change our hearts and minds if we are following Him. If we are stubborn and proud He is not going to use us.

Can a woman work outside the home? Sure, women do it all the time. Is this God's best for a woman? He has answered that for us in His Word. I want what is best for my "girls" and sometimes there is heat from that, but Jesus didn't call us to some weak, easy ministry. We are here to change the world for His glory. We are privileged to be in ministry with Him, so we need to follow the leader who DOES have all the answers.

As Bekah commented previously, "it is freeing to only have to follow". Well the same is true for the men. If we just follow what God has told us to do, and to encourage others to do the same, then our lives are much more freed up, our brains are less taxed and our hearts are more open to what He has called us to be.

I don't need more bricks in my back pack. God wants to carry our load and I am really happy to let Him carry it for me.

1 comment:

cwblogger said...

Your definition of a "worker at home" is pretty good. I think I would add to it. A biblical woman needs to be focused on the home. She can be a help to her husband in many ways, but must always remember she is the manager at home, thus giving her a home focus. If the best way she can help her husband is by being career-focused, she has missed her calling.