Saturday, January 31, 2009

Who can Live with God?

Ps. 15:1O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent?
Who shall dwell on your holy hill?

2He who walks blamelessly and does what is right
and speaks truth in his heart;

In this Psalm God gives us the requirements necessary to dwell with Him. Those who follow these requirements will enjoy His presence forever, but those who don't will not. This should encourage us to watch our walk.

This first requirement is that our walk is to be blameless, or upright. Wow, what a standard. Blameless- no one can point a finger at me in blame. Upright- not to one side or the other, but perfectly balanced, as to not be shaken. Spurgeon states, "Walking is far more important than talking". We can say lots of things, but our walk is the proof of our love.

Secondly, He does what is right.
"His faith shows itself by good works, and therefore is no dead faith. God's house is a hive for workers, not a nest for drones. Those who rejoice that everything is done for them by another, even the Lord Jesus, and therefore hate legality, are the best doers in the world upon gospel principles. If we are not positively serving the Lord, and doing his holy will to the best of our power, we may seriously debate our interest in divine things, for trees which bear no fruit must be hewn down and cast into the fire." Spurgeon.

No dead faith, a hive for workers, positively serving the Lord, are all things we should be striving to do and be. If those things are not evident in our lives we should be considering if we are even interested in divine things and if we are not interested in divine things then are we bearing fruit? If we aren't bearing fruit then we will be a branch cut off and thrown into the fire.

Finally, form verse 2, Speaks the Truth from his heart.
"Saints not only desire to love and speak truth with their lips, but they seek to be true within; they will not lie even in the closet of their hearts, for God is there to listen; they scorn double meanings, evasions, equivocations, white lies, flatteries, and deceptions. Our heart must be the sanctuary and refuge of truth, should it be banished from all the world beside, and hunted from among men; at all risk we must entertain the angel of truth, for truth is God's daughter. We must be careful that the heart is really fixed and settled in principle, for tenderness of conscience toward truthfulness, like the bloom on a peach, needs gentle handling, and once lost it were hard to regain it. Jesus was the mirror of sincerity and holiness. Oh, to be more and more fashioned after his similitude!" Spurgeon

Is truth the foundation of my life? Do I love truth even when I am alone? Is my heart a sanctuary of truth? Do I guard the truth with vigor? Oh to be like our Savior, as lovers of truth.

When I consider the requirements to be with Jesus, I am sobered. In my self there is no way I can be blameless, doing right and seeking the truth, but God can do these things in me, if I allow Him to.

"Oh for that day when we'll sing with the angels,
Hallelujah Oh Ancient of Days,
when we'll have our Messiah forever,
offering glory and honor and praise"

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