Ps. 117:1 Praise the LORD, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples.
2 For great is his love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever.
Praise the LORD.
At about 8:20am, 48 hrs ago, I got a phone call I won't forget while I'm alive on earth.
Life can change really fast and what seems important one minute doesn't seem important at all then next.
The night was uneventful, which is great. I'm sitting here talking to Grant and I just made him laugh. He doesn't remember anything that has happened to him in the last 24 hrs. even the things we have told him just an hour ago. I told him if he kept asking me the same question it would be like talking to Teresa. She has to ask the same question 4 different ways to see if you will give her the same answer. I think she is just trying to keep us honest. We love our "Ninja-CPR giving-Lifesaver-Mom".
The sun is shining through our window and The Son is shining in our hearts as we rejoice that He has given us another day with our sweet Grant. He looks great. He is uncomfortable, which is good because he knows what he likes, which is better than not knowing anything.
Lam. 3:21 Yet this I call to mind
and therefore I have hope:
22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed,
for his compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him."
25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
26 it is good to wait quietly
for the salvation of the LORD.
Grant is going to have another Eco-cardiogram today to compare it to the 2 he has had in the past 2 days. I think they are still trying to make sure there is nothing obvious going on, but I'm not completely sure.
We will probably discuss the timing of the next procedure and then we will have to wait to see how he feel and reacts to everything.
He looks amazing for what he has gone through.
Please know that we love you all and relish your prayers. We love having you come by and visit us. Grant will probably not be seeing anyone until after the defibrillator procedure is done and they move him to another room. So come if you like, no pressure, and be encouraged by the others that are here.
The prayer requests are the same as last night and as soon as I know more I will give you an update.
Grant wants to read the blog and since he is awake I'll have him try to load the pictures onto it. No promises, but Grant in his state is much more "techy" than I am in my normal state.
Praise God from whom all blessings low.
Praise Him for He gives us life and breathe.
Praise Him for His faithfulness at night, and in the morning.
Our God is GOOD!
Rejoicing with my son, in the sun and in The Son,
Click here to read the next part, "Quick Update"
What a joyful peace the Lord has graciously given us all, especially your family, over this weekend! I cannot quit thinking about your responses spanning the last two days. No one was asking why. No one was angry with God. Everyone trusts God for His timing and His plans. Only The Lord & Master Jesus Christ can work to such an extent in our lives!
I am exponentially encouraged from all that The Lord is doing. What a joyful relief to know God has granted such a positive recovery to date! You can rest assured that we will continue to beg our Heavenly Father for complete healing and recovery until He answers!
You guys are in my heart, on mind, consuming my prayers. Chuck, thank you for your Christ-o-centric leadership through this! Teresa & Garret, thank you for your heroic efforts and sacrifice. Kim, thank you for your sweet presence and caring, compassionate concern. Grant, thank you for fighting and not giving up!
You guys are a blessing to the extent that no picture or words could communicate. I guess that is because The Father owns you and you reflect Him.
Chuck, thanks for keeping the updates coming. I know I will appreciate them more as I go back down to school. I will continue to intercede on your behalf. I know our gracious and loving Father will never cease in his abundant mercy. I love you all. Give my greetings to Grant.
I just wanted to send you a brief note to let you know that you and your family have not left our thoughts and prayers since we received the news Saturday morning. Our family and our church are holding you guys up as we praise God for His hand in your lives.
You Weinbergs have been a tremendous source of fun and support for Kiki, Braxton and myself, for many years.
I hope and pray daily that My precious son, Braxton, will become a young man of God such as Grant. I pray, as well, that Kiki and I can be parents, like the Weinbergs, who let Christ shine through us and find that balance of fun, love, and discipline in Christ as we raise Braxton.
thank you for sharing this ordeal with us. Having a son myself I can't begin to imagine what it must be like to go through this (and I don't particularly want to). Our prayers and tears have been with you. Your strength in the Lord has been a real encouragement. You are right God is good.We continue to pray for you here in our little corner of the UK.
Yours in Christ,
Paul Mahoney & family
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