Saturday, March 22, 2008

Night One

We came home because the doctor told us this is going to be a marathon and we would need to be ready and rested tomorrow morning. It was hard to leave my little buddy.
Everything at home reminds me of him, even the quiet. He is so quiet. His golf clubs are sitting on the loft ready for him to come and practice as he watches the golf channel.
His room. Someone came and cleaned it up so it isn't messy any more. Thank you to who whomever did that.
His car was sitting in the driveway. He loves his car. I miss Grant.

In the hospital our family was reminded of how the church body is supposed to work. We were far more overwhelmed by 75 or 80 people showing up to hang out and encourage us and be with Grant than by the weight of what we are facing right now. Thank you Grace Bible Church, one28 and Grace Academy for loving our Grant and loving us enough to spend the day with us. You don't know how much it means.

Tomorrow is Easter morning. The day Jesus rose from the grave. The day Christ conquered death. I want Him to raise my son up again, but I don't know what He has planned.

This gives me a small glimpse into the Father's love for His Son. I wouldn't want to give up my son for a bunch of people who hated Him. BUT our good God was pleased to give us His Son that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We have been given so much more than we deserve.

Please pray for Teresa and Garrett that they would be able to erase much of what they witnessed up close and personal. Teresa said there is no way she could have done what she did today w/o Garrett's help and strength. Dad's are supposed to be there when things like this happen to "fix" it, but I wasn't there. It's a good thing I have an awesome wife and 2 great sons. We'll certainly keep Kimmy as well.

Pray that the doctors will know exactly what to do in every situation. Grant is an unusual case and not everything works normally on him. Pray they would have insight into things they don't even know about. God can do that for Grant.
Pray that God would not be finished with Grant, because God finishes what He starts.
We love you Grant and there are many people praying for you all over the world tonight. How good is that?

Weeping for my son, but trying to be joyful in His Son,

Click here to read the next part, "Resurrection Morning"

1 comment:

Bekah said...

I know what it feels like to leave your son in that hospital overnight for the first time. I didn't want to leave Ben when he was in the newborn ICU. Uncertainty kept on creeping into my thoughts, hoping and praying that I wouldn't receiving any calls through the night from the hospital. (There is another phone call that one dreads) I remember feeling so emotionally drained and all cried out that I couldn't do anything.....I couldn't cry....couldn't pray....all I could do is wait until the morning light. The morning after night one was hard as well, Ben had a really hard night. I was so outraged that they didn't call me, I should have been there! Curtis then reminded me that we had great doctors and nurses that were all laboring through the night watching our son, they are the experts....not me, and that God had sovereignly worked in their lives to bring them to my son! It gets better though, you would never think that there would be so many tears shed when you hear that on night two, Ben had a good night. I know somewhat what you guys are going through. Seeing Grant with the ventilator down his throat, and watching his body shake from the morphine that he his on brought every memory back of Ben, memories that I had thought I forgotten. However, I also have no idea what you are going through, I only had Ben three hours, you have had Grant for 17 years! I am thankful now for the things that Ben went through, God knew that I could handle them just like He knew that your family could handle this now! God won't give you anything that you can't handle. What an encouraging thought that God knows that your family is ready to go through this! God knew that maybe last year your family wouldn't be able to handle it, or even last month....but are were you ought to be in your relationship with Him!! How encouraging to know that no matter what the outcome is from this that your family will grow stronger together as a family and together in our Lord! How even more encouraging to know that as you grow closer from this that He would be MORE glorified in your family then He is right now! Weinberg's, I love all of you so very much and will earnestly and with joy lift you guys up in prayer!