Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Poor In Spirit

Matt. 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

What does it mean to be "poor in spirit"?
Poor, means to be begging, impoverished, having nothing to claim as ones own.
Spirit, is speaking of our spiritual life, or our souls.
So put together, it would means that we see our dependency on another for our spiritual well being or, we see our inability to bring anything to the table spiritually.

Personally, I want to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven. Right now I want Heaven more than anything else. I don't want that to change as times get better, if they do. I want to always be thinking about how much better it will be in Heaven than it will be here. I am concerned that if God gives, like He has before, I will get caught in the trap of "working as unto myself", and forget that He is the Provider.

I want to always be tasting the "honey" from His Word and Who He is, rather than trying to find sweetness in the world. I want to always be drinking from the living fountain, and not go back to dry cisterns.

The pull of the world is strong and sin is enticing. I must be vigilant in killing sin. I must be vigilant in repenting. I must remember that in and of myself I have nothing to bring to the table and that Christ is my only hope for inheriting the Kingdom of Heaven. I don't want to ever find myself with my head in a dry cistern.

Lord, continue to show me my sin and my abject need of all that You are. Bring joy in repenting from that sin. Don't let me love anything here, but keep my affections hot for You and for the things of Heaven. Thank You for letting me taste of Your sweetness and remind me often of how sweet You are compared to the bitterness of the world. You will not lose one of Your own, so keep me close to You. Guard me with Your strong right arm and beat down all the things this world tries to replace You with. Show me Your glory in ways that only You can, so I will never want to go away from my first Love. Let me be satisfied in You and only You, so I will have true joy.

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