Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tree Houses

Ps. 62:5 For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence,
for my hope is from him.
6 He only is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress; I shall not be shaken.
7On God rests my salvation and my glory;
my mighty rock, my refuge is God.

8 Trust in him at all times, O people;
pour out your heart before him;
God is a refuge for us.

It seems like lately there have been many times when I am waiting in silence for God, because I am speechless, afraid and have nowhere else to turn but Him. I want to say something, but can't. I guess that is a great place to be, since He is the only One who is truly my refuge, but I desire to have the right words to say, I desire to be strong in The Lord, and in the power of His Might, but in my flesh I am weak. I can only rest and wait on Him.

I love the word pictures that are fostered with, "rock", "fortress" and "refuge". He is all of those places that as a little child we would run and take comfort in knowing we are in a safe place; like the tree house. He is our grown up fort, where we can spend the time getting away from the cares of this world and just meditate and dwell on Who He is, with no distractions. It is in those times when I can start to pour out my heart to Him and He answers in the sweetest ways. I don't hear audible words, but He brings Scripture, His Word, to my mind as I am talking with Him. Sometimes an hour or 2 later the answer will come in some form of encouragement that He is certainly orchestrating.

I really have no answers of my own anymore, though it would be arrogant to think that I had any previously, He has just been able to change my heart and show me I didn't have any in the first place. It is so comforting to know we can run to the Rock that is higher than we are and He loves us to stay there with Him. He comforts in so many ways.

Lord, may You hide me in Your holiness, protect me from the sin that so easily besets me, change me to be unshaken it situations that I am normally shakeable, take me in Your arms and cover me from the rains that beat so hard around me, that I may have joy in the trials, not just endure them, that You would show Your glory to the world around me as I walk with, and trust in, You, and that they may know for sure that it is You that I find my joy, comfort, rest and confidence. I am weak and tired, the world around me is dark and terrifying, and the only place I want to be is right next to You. Keep me close to Your side and keep me desiring to be near You. Don't let me be satisfied with lesser loves and lesser joys. Make me to look only to You and be focused on Your face. You can do this in me and You delight in Your servant's praising you when You have done it. Thank You for the changes You have brought in me and for the will to want to change.

Work Your mighty hand in our lives. Plow deep that our hearts might be fertile to Your teaching. Convict us of our sin and bring us to the joy of our salvation once again. Make Your Word fresh to us and in so doing may we be refreshing to the dieing world around us. Guide us, direct us, show us the path You have for us to take, close the doors tight You don't want us to go through, and open wide those that You have for us, that we make no mistakes. Be our Light and our Encouragement. As we walk through this valley of the shadow of death, we desire to fear no evil, but we are weak. Comfort us with the rod of discipline, as it is then we know that you love us, and your staff which brings us back to Your side. You are Our God and there is NONE like You. Thanks for Your great and precious promises.

1 comment:

katrina said...

Dear Mr.Weinberg,
We have not met. I found your blog after checking out your churches website about 9 months ago. Your posts,or entries, have been devotionals for me that I look forward to daily. Thank you for sharing what stirs you. I have wanted to thank you so many times over,but am not great with my words!!! I know that God is using your beautifully written devotionals to challenge and encourage me. Thank you for the blessing.
In Him,
K. Caceres